
QRAR Campaign: A Permanent Future for people refused under the Fast Track process

While Queenscliff RAR welcomed the transitioning of approximately 19,000 refugees on Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs) or Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) to permanency, we remain extremely concerned that no pathway to permanency has been announced for over 8000 people whose refugee claims were rejected under the flawed and unfair Fast Track process. Nearly 12 years of living in fear and uncertainty has led to critical levels of mental anguish, early deaths and high suicide risk.

Queenscliff RAR believes that people's contributions and commitment to Australia over the past 12 years must be recognised and form a pathway to permanency. This would consider family and community ties, work-related factors, well-being factors and contributions to Australian society over the past 12 years.


Increase your knowledge about this issue by downloading and reading this fact sheet.
A Pathway to Permanency

Please write to the Home Affairs, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Minister to respectfully request such a pathway be implemented immediately.
Hon. Tony Burke,
Minister for Home Affairs, Immigration and Multicultural Affairs,
PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600